It’s been just a few days since the last recipe in Lord Byron’s 24 Cookies of Christmas – Volume 4 was published. Like in previous years, I’m publishing the complete countdown in this one post. If you missed any, don’t worry; they’re all right here!

You can easily scroll down and see all of the cookies in Lord Byron’s 24 Cookies of Christmas – Volume 4. All you have to do is click on the picture of the cookie you like and a new window will open up. Don’t worry; you won’t lose your spot on this page!
I hope you’ve had just as much fun reading through Lord Byron’s 24 Cookies of Christmas – Volume 4 recipes as I have had creating them. After doing this series for the fourth year in a row, I think it might become an annual tradition. What do you think? Should I start compiling a list for next year?
For the past four years, I have started to plan my annual cookie series in August. Yes, right in the heat of summer, I fire up some Christmas songs on Spotify and try my best to get into the spirit. It takes me a few weeks to plan out the series and then I start baking so that I can test recipe ideas before sharing them with you. And, for the past three years, I have run a shorter series as well. I just can’t get enough of Christmas, folks!
Lord Byron’s Annual Christmas Cookie Series
Did you know that Lord Byron’s Kitchen has been sharing a 24 Cookies of Christmas Series for the past several years? Click on the links below to see all of the recipes from each series on one page!
If you’re reading this post, I will assume that you love baking Christmas cookies too. But, maybe you want something more! Last year, I published a series called Lord Byron’s 12 Biscotti of Christmas. The year before that, I published a series called Lord Byron’s 12 Bundt Cakes of Christmas. And, back in November, I finished this year’s mini series called Lord Byron’s 12 Truffles of Christmas. You can click on the image below and see the entire series on one page! Don’t worry, you won’t lose this page. It will open up a new page so that you can easily get back to these cookies!
Looking For More Christmas Confections?
Lord Byron’s Kitchen has more than enough to satisfy your sweet tooth! Click on the links below to see a countdown series of holiday recipes from that category!
Let’s take a look at the cookies in Lord Byron’s 24 Cookies of Christmas – Volume 4. Below are images of the cookies in the order that they were published. Remember, just click on the image to be taken to the recipe post. A new window will open and you will not lose your spot on this page. Enjoy!

There you go, Dear Reader; all of Lord Byron’s 24 Cookies of Christmas – Volume 4 on one page! I’m going to be taking the next two days to relax a little bit. I’m going to do some cross stitch and re-watch Downton Abbey – again! I’ll be back on Monday though with a brand new series for you! This time, I’m posting 12 back-to-back recipes with all no-bake recipes. Be sure to come back and join me!

Lori says
I just made the dough and despite using fresh, unfrozen cranberries that I dried off first, my dough still turned pink. Not sure what happened there but being Christmas it’s not a problem 🙂. The dough was very sticky, like a dough would be w/o enough flour, and very difficult to form into a log and messy even on the parchment. I used the 1 1/2c of flour but is the dough suppose to be like that? They smelled amazing and even pretty w the pink tint, won’t know how they turn out or taste until next week. says
Completely normal! Some people are having issues with the pink colour. Honestly, I think it just depends on the ripeness of the cranberries.
Allyssa says
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing recipes! Will surely have this again! It’s really easy to make and it tasted so delicious! Highly recommended!
Gwynn Galvin says
A delicious assortment of Christmas cookies! Thank you nd happy holidays!
Mikayla says
My goodness, any cookie you could think of making is here in this compilation. Scroll through and you are guaranteed to find one or two to make today!
Liz says
What a gathering of holiday treat recipes! I spotted some to try out over the holiday season! Thanks for the share!
Annette says
Thank you Lord Byron. I have just discovered you via Pinterest. I now have so many ideas to make for the family. I will keep checking in to see what other great things you have been making.